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RE: 30 year rule
Here we go folks.

The BBC haven't mentioned the 84/85 strike at all.
May have to do some digging later.
Broadwater Farm riots and an 'abducted' milk float.
Thatcher AIDS campaign fears.
UK moon dust trials and tribulations.
'Illegitimis non carborundum'

30 year rule
RE: 30 year rule
RE: 30 year rule
RE: 30 year rule
RE: 30 year rule
RE: 30 year rule
RE: 30 year rule
RE: 30 year rule
RE: 30 year rule
RE: 30 year rule
RE: 30 year rule
RE: 30 year rule
RE: 30 year rule
RE: 30 year rule
RE: 30 year rule
RE: 30 year rule
RE: 30 year rule
RE: 30 year rule