(01 Jan 2016, 10:08 pm)LeeCalder wrote As for YourBus, the less said about them the better. I seen one driver yesterday wearing a top hat and another a flat cap and t-shirt.
As I've said before - all operators have good sides, and bad sides too.
I know enthusiasts who live further down that way who can give a list as long as their arm about how bad Trent Barton are, and regularly make fun of their "really good" slogan. Their 'mango' ticketing system used to be (not sure if it still is) an absolute farce, according to these enthusiasts.
I can't really comment having never experienced either operation for myself, but Yourbus have a fairly modern and presentable fleet. I see fewer photos of Yourbus' fleet looking scruffy than I do Trent Barton's. Trent's investment last year into new coaches and Volvo B8RLEs was, for lack of a better compliment, 'really good', though, and these buses really do look the part. I'd imagine it would massively improve reliability of the services, too.