(01 Jan 2016, 8:59 pm)Jimmi wrote I'm bad enough talking to one person at times, never mind a group!Took you long enough to talk to me when we met at Dalton Park earlier in the year, you hardly said more than 2 words to me on the 202
I am a quiet person, as two enthusiasts I know were discussing between themselves yesterday. If they are reading this, I'm not bothered, I know that I say very little but the truth is I want to be more talkative but struggle to do so. Oh and I still haven't done anything to my Facebook, as I still seem to be unable to go and find my friends on there.
(01 Jan 2016, 9:25 pm)Adrian wrote Best way. You get to see a lot more interesting stock by travelling around a bit! Unfortunately there'll always be people that don't appreciate what's not on their door step.
I'd love to do Dublin one day. I was down Derby not so long ago, and found things a bit average. Arriva had some interesting stock down there, but I'd probably want to do it again in the summer and explore a bit more.
Hoping to get some pics in Belfast this year if I go for my uncles half century
(01 Jan 2016, 10:37 pm)Jimmi wrote Watched it once and wasn't particularly keen on it, after seeing it I was in the mindest of 'I don't like it but other people will', but I went on to full on hate it once people who like the show wouldn't respect my opinions for not liking the show, some people even thought that there was seriously something wrong with me mentally because I didn't like it, they'd be right by saying there is something wrong with me mentally, but it does not really relate to my taste in TV shows.
I cant believe you don't like Mrs Brown, you must be mental...
Kidding...Each to there own
(01 Jan 2016, 11:15 pm)Jimmi wrote I remember loads of people kicking right off when the beeb opted out of a (Repeat) episode to announce the death of Nelson Mandela.
Bloody Mandela disrupting TV schedules
(01 Jan 2016, 11:29 pm)GMitchelhill wrote Had to change in London and each wait in London was a few hours. Plus coach between London and Antwerp, we got to wander around the Le shuttle train, I even got photos of the coach onboard the train.I used to goto France, Belgium and Luxembourg 4 times a week on a coach, did it for months...
Mind we had plenty of time off the coach coming back to blighty because it took that long to go through customs.
Was not exactly legal as I was smuggling cigarettes, baccy and alcohol into the Country...
I pretty much lived on one coach or another for about 6 month