(06 Jan 2016, 2:07 pm)palatine3833 wrote The service has been provided to benefit the passengers as it is a method to keep the service 'on time'. I personally don't see a reason as to why it was needed as the X12 could have simply followed the diversion which the 21 is following. However, for once, Arriva has planned for the worst case scenario which I sincerely doubt anyone will compliment them on. By adding extra resources into the route to allow it to operate normally would involve a significant layover at some location which would mean a temporary timetable change for a 4 month period which (in my opinion) isn't beneficial for passengers.
I'd say if planned works over a prolonged period of time mean that the timetable isn't achievable, then it does need to be temporarily changed. As you're already aware, the timetable has been changed, but to temporarily omit the Interchange rather than alter the timings. A shuttle bus has instead been registered to provide a service between Low Fell and Gateshead.
It was one of two options, and I maintain the opinion that this is the cheapest of the two options, thus benefiting the company. I'd argue that having to change buses would inconvenience customers more than having a few minutes added to their journey time each way. It'd probably take more than that to switch buses.
I am curious as to how the shuttle operates with the reliability of the X12 in general? It's not exactly the greatest at maintaining any form of schedule, and I'd wonder what happens to the shuttle, on the regular occasions you have two X12s about 5-10 minutes apart? If there's only one bus operating the shuttle, then those passengers are going to be waiting at Low Fell for it coming back from Gateshead.