(15 Jan 2016, 4:41 pm)DaveyBowyer wrote Although the Streetdeck isn't a flying machine like the E400MMC and B9TL, it doesn't mean that they will be unreliable heaps of scrap in 3 years time. Mercedes have a good engineering track record and the Citaros are still going strong. They only have a 5 litre engine and I know that the weight is less and although the extra weight will be an implication on the Streetdeck, they might prove themselves to be good workhorses despite being a tad slower than other deckers or just the same depending on the setup. Alot of the faults which might've occured wuth the Streetdeck could be applied to other Wright bodied products. I was on 6105 one morning when the fire alarm warning system went off for no obvious reason.
Was it not the Davey Bowyer alarm