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Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc

Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc

RE: Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc
Sunderland Railway Station Contribution and Public Realm

The high-level design of the railway station is now complete. Following discussions on the final design options as well as consideration to funding for the whole project, the detailed design will now progress with construction now due to start January 2017.

£2.9m has therefore been re-profiled into 2016/2017. The public realm works will follow the above station remodelling and is expected to occur late 2017, requiring £0.250m to be re-profiled into 2017/2018.


Full document here:


Made a document for the proposed upcoming changes in Sunderland so its easier for people to follow:
.docx Sunderland development deadlines.docx
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.

Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc