(29 Sep 2013, 4:21 pm)Adam Malarkey wrote I'm currently looking for a Replacement for my Vivitar Vivicam T027 which I have had for 8 Months. I feel for the £35 I paid for it, it's served it's purpose but doesn't really produce "Top Quality Photographs" as I think it should. I have taken a few good photos with this Camera, but this one is my Favourite - http://www.flickr.com/photos/adammalarkey/9309436980/
I have came across to excellent deals on Curry's Website which are:
NIKON Coolpix L28 Digital Compact Camera - £59.99
- 20.1 Megapixels
- Sensor Type: CCD
- Opictical Zoom: x5
- HD Video: HD 720p
More Infro: http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/cameras/dig...s~21262842
FujiFilm Finepix AX650 Compact Digital Camera - £49.99
- 16 Megapixels
- Sensor Type: CCD
- Optical Zoom: x5
- HD Video: HD 720p
More Info: http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/cameras/dig...s~21270351
The L28 doesn't get that good reviews really Adam. You might get issues with motion blur, despite the sport mode and 'reduction' features. I've found this article for you which may give you a few more budget alternatives - http://www.whatdigitalcamera.com/equipme...n-100.html
The other option, and one I'd probably recommend, is considering investing in a bridge camera. They're a bit bigger, but you certainly have a lot more flexibility with them.