I didn't get chance to mention this, this morning, since I've been having a proper numpty day and managed to leave my phone at home, but we caught the 10:40-ish 20 out of Durham, this morning, 4989, IIRC. Littl'un and I sat, facing forward, over the rear offside wheel arch, with me having the aisle (and button!) seat. I noticed, as we set off along North Road that the bus felt, well, wobbly. My backside, back and feet were all moving in different directions. I did stand up and give my seat a good wobble, since I've been caught out by loose seat pads, before, but it was rock solid, so I can only conclude that the floor itself was unstable. I also noticed some rather worrying tears in the flooring, above the aisle steps.
Call me cautious, but I think it needs checking out, if it hasn't been already.
RE: Go North East: Latest News & Discussion - February 2016