(01 Mar 2016, 7:37 pm)MrFozz wrote What is the problem with someone posting a result service, it never bothered me although I did want it away from this thread
Would it not be easier to have notifications on the threads your only interested in
I assume you do have notifications switched off on those threads
I really dont know what peoples problem is, just turn on notifications for the threads you want
I get that a lot, Because I have fav'd a load of threads, if I go 24 hours without looking I sometimes have north of 100 updates, my personal record being nigh on 250 posts when I disappeared for a few days ?
It is not something I want to see come back giving how annoyed people get, but it is not exactly like it is a capital crime or anything
I'm not subscribed to any on this forum, my phone gave up doing Notifications 6 month ago, glad I'm getting a new phone this week.