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Jokes *may contain bad language, bad jokes and bad taste*

Jokes *may contain bad language, bad jokes and bad taste*

Marxista Fozzski
Jokes *may contain bad language, bad jokes and bad taste*
It's Adam Johnsons first day in jail, he gets onto the wing and is introduced to his padmate. Johnson looks worried at the thought of shacking up with a guy 6'8" and 8' wide of pure muscle. His padmate says "Your choice, you can be the mam or the dad", Johnson, quite relieved says "I will be the dad" to which his padmate says "Ok then...get over here and suck your mams cock"

Who is the only man over 12 stone to have rode a Derby Winner in the last 50 years?

Lester Piggots Padmate

Jokes *may contain bad language, bad jokes and bad taste*