(05 Oct 2013, 8:52 pm)citaro5284 wrote I read that also....what a toss pot!
Here is the rest of the exchange, just incase it gets deleted.
The word 'deluded' comes to mind.
Guess who 'liked' his post?
Michelle Parkin What do you mean you're not allowed Andy?
Like · 1 · 9 hours ago
Michelle Parkin Ben you can use it but the driver might be prompted which ticket on your card to use. You can have multiple active tickets and multiple stored tickets.
Like · 1 · 9 hours ago
Ben Campbell Thank you Michelle. Much appreciated!
Like · 2 · 8 hours ago
David Wear Buses Atkinson Michelle, GNE have requested that only they respond to complaints and queries. This was as a result of
numerous complaints and poor customer service as a result of some 'enthusiasts' such as Andy etc responding without correct customer service training and at times, perhaps not deliberately, antagonising customers. Numerous people have been warned and
then banned from posting and I applaud it. I think Mark Ellis in the post above is representative of what is wrong in the public arena, he shouldn't be discussing emails for his employers in an unofficialcapacity
Like · 7 hours ago
Andy Clifford Certain people have been asked not to help or give any advise any more michell
Like · 1 · 6 hours ago
Andy Clifford Kick in teeth the md has been emailed
Like · 1 · 6 hours ago
Michelle Parkin The poor customer service was on the most part provided by GNE themselves. The likes of Andy and Ian were filling in a void seeing as GNE aren't open when their customers want to speak to them.
Like · 3 · 6 hours ago
Andy Clifford Tell them Michelle the message I received bearing in mind they kept on saying how worthwhile my support was and even phoning them I was massively
upset even the drivers have supported our help over the last 3 years. Properly get banned now for this statement.
Like · 6 hours ago
Louise Gray I hope you don't Andy. I must admit I've always valued the help you and Ian have given. You would have probably been of help to me when I messaged them on Friday to complain the driver of the 10 using the route like a Grand Prix. Hope your complaint goes ok xx
Like · 1 · 4 hours ago
A kick in the teeth?!
Two sanctamonious tosspots, upsetting passengers and representing a multimillion pound plc are banned and it is a 'kick in the teeth'!
They need to get out more.