Wifi didn't let me post this before. Warning of colourful language, I've only just arrived home.
Three and a half hours between Ashington and South Shields via X21, Metro, 900, 333, Ferry. I decided to stay at central station for a few hours on arrival after what happened on the 900.
A man was smoking an e-cigarette on the 900, I went and informed the driver. The driver came upstairs after I went up, and told him to stop smoking. I then turned around and he started shouting abuse, and then threatened acts of violence, and said that I should get off at the next stop and he would "sort me out". I got my phone out and said that I would call the police if he didn't stop the abuse, he kept going so I held the phone up and I was about the start videoing him until he stood up and approached me and said that he would throw my phone out of the window and he would "throttle me" at the next stop, he then called me every name under the sun, I then stood up and started shouting in a loud deep voice "SIT DOWN NOW", he then went downstairs when the bus approached Benton.
I was contemplating getting the 19 straight back home on arrival at North Shields, but I decided just to make the most of what was left of the day. A fifteen minute late 333 made me miss the ferry, no apologies from the driver just a grunt when I got on. I was getting more anxious when I was waiting in North Shields, I didn't know if the ferry was off or not and if the 333 was running, the 333 is always on time.
Today, along with yesterday has just been shite.
RE: What's annoying you today? V4