(27 Mar 2016, 6:40 pm)MurdnunoC wrote Well, as you know, Christianity began in Palestine sometime in the first century. It caught on and spread to Roman Empire where it became a state religion under the Roman Emperor, Constantine, in around the fourth century. As Romans held the most sway and controlled much of what we now called Europe (including Britain - as Britain is indeed part of Europe and not some island continent somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean!!), religion spread to the provinces, sometimes by force, sometimes by more peaceful means.
Britain used to be Polytheistic country worshipping many local gods including, as you've asked me to name some, Woden and Thurnor. Some of the place names we know today date back to times when folk used local gods as inspiration to call settlements. We owe a lot to Paganism!
Ah right, cheers.