(29 Mar 2016, 12:01 am)South Tyne Lad wrote The places in Tyne and Wear that are scenic are mostly the outlying areas ( chopwell and surrounding area for example ) as you get closer to Newcastle it turns more urban, though in a sense some urburn places are good spots for photographs.
Chesterfield sounds good, I hope you didn't turn down the wedding party though
Haven't decided on that yet, truth be told I'd rather do the trip in Chesterfield rather than the wedding party especially considering that I don't really know the people getting married like at all and I love Leyland Olympian's!
Fancied doing something this week but the weather forecast isn't the best, I am toying with the idea of an enthusiast's trip from York/Hull where various Volvo Olympian's will be used and the main ferrying about will be done by Volvo B10M/Alexander PS K785DAO which I would love to sample and it would be a good opportunity to sample it as I'd be on it for around 90 between York and Hull (each way), so I'd be on it for a minimum of 3 hours! The only things are the trip is expected to be £20 but may be reduced if there is enough demand, also two local bands that I quite like are playing a gig at The Cluny on Saturday night although I've seen them a fair few times now and there will probably be more chances to see them. Not sure what to do yet.