(29 Mar 2016, 7:21 pm)Jimmi wrote I understand what you mean about people struggling up the stairs and increasing boarding/alighting times, I got on the GNE X21 the other day and a passenger with crutches decided that he wanted to sit upstairs at a table seat and I was the next passenger to board and the whole thing caused a pile up for passengers who wanted to go and sit upstairs, especially as most of the remaining passengers boarding were young and also wanted to sit upstairs. It's not just people with difficulties though, it's the same with parents and toddlers where you get the toddler slowing making their way up and down the stairs with the parent(s) following behind.
The above doesn't just apply to seaside resorts, the situation also applies to double deckers pretty much everywhere really, I sometimes experience these scenarios on the 7.
Sometimes I'm the slow person on the stairs

I tend to only go upstairs when I'm getting of again at a bus station, though, unless there's absolutely no seats downstairs and so long as it's not a spiral staircase like the lolynes have. I'd be inclined to take a different bus if the staircase was too difficult for me and I coudn't ge t a seat downstairs.