(29 Mar 2016, 7:31 pm)S813 FVK wrote Yeah. That is kind of why I was a bit unsure as to where he was coming from when he said that as a reason why deckers were not used. I suppose, if they have no choice (ie they have a young child), holding the bus up is far better than having a toddler crying because they aren't alloeed to sit upstairs.It's probably more of an issue down there as people would want to go upstairs for the fantastic scenery on offer, especially on the X93.
I don't really have a problem with people taking a while to get upstairs, although it is annoying if passengers behind you are getting annoyed.
It's annoying though when a passenger decides to stop in the aisle and ponder or whatever, I wanted to punch some bloke when I got on the 17A in Stockton one day, it was a Plaxton Centro so I wanted to sit at the seat where the emergency exit door is towards the back for the leg room, he boarded before me and he stopped in the aisle just where the step up is, why? Because he wanted some woman to sit on the inside seat, the woman in question was at least five passengers behind me in the queue and surely the correct thing to do in this situation is stand where the seats are so people can get past, not what he did which was just stand there like a melon with me stood in front of him and edging slightly to the left is NOT getting out the way so I ended up having to squeeze past him and those of you who have seen me out and about will probably know that I keep my camera in a sort of messenger type of bag, so I ended up smashing it into the seat, seriously with arseholes like this I'm surprised that the camera hasn't been damaged yet because that bag is getting bashed on a regular basis, think I need to swap to a rucksack, the most recent incident was on a E400 where I was boarding and someone shoved past me so they could get the front seats upstairs, dickheads!