Took the boys for a good long walk, this morning. Chance to blow out some cobwebs and for big'un to take some pictures and practice framing his shots.
Littl'un decided halfway, when we were furthest from home, that he didn't want his hand held, any more (no chance of that, as we were walking along the main road)
Some gobshite of a kid, who was apparently in some sort of holiday club, called out some rather unfriendly "greetings" to big'un before realising that he wasn't alone.
Imagine a pile of dog poo as big as your head. You wouldn't miss it, would you? Unless you were big'un.

So we're now off into the yard to do some shoe cleaning. Once I've taken something for this damned headache.
Oh, and we were out 90 minutes and only clocked up 8,000 steps on my fitbit.