(05 Apr 2016, 10:11 pm)Jimmi wrote Yeah, I do have various anxiety problems which causes me problems, especially when I am out and about. Not sure what to do about trying to resolve the problems I have, but perhaps therapy may work but I wouldn't know how to go about sorting that out.I do feel for you Jimmi
Yeah there does seem to be some Yorkshire veg about. Expect some photos from Manchester next week as I'm there over the weekend.
Oh and as if today couldn't get any worse...
One of my teeth has just dropped to bits, I took a bite into a Starburst and the back half of one of my teeth came out with it, at first I thought it was something in the sweet and I'll be honest I wish it was.
So I think it's going to have to come out. Brilliant I'm only 22 and I'm now going to have a missing tooth.

Hope tomorrow is a better day for you