(03 May 2016, 4:21 pm)Michael wrote Least we get Emma doing them!.
When the 20/20A get to Park Lane, will it say: Change here for local bus services, even though the Screen is different?
Would be good.
Not sure if it's possible to do that with the LED screens.
Easy enough to do it on the TFT monitors, as you design the slides in PowerPoint. Obviously the new style shows an image of two buses too. Gateshead Interchange is an image of the X66 and Quaylink, for example.
(03 May 2016, 4:25 pm)Tom wrote I think that would be good. Also could say something like ''this is the Red zone boundary, please make sure you have a valid ticket for travel'' so people know where they are.
(03 May 2016, 4:30 pm)Michael wrote Did they put the boundaries on the Red Arrow announcements?, i haven't used the Red Arrows for a long time so not sure.
(03 May 2016, 4:32 pm)Tom wrote No idea, never been on the X1 for a while either. I'm sure Dan will know though.
We started doing the BuzzFare boundary zones on the TFT monitors when we refreshed the Red Arrows and Connections4. It shows the BuzzFare logo (with whichever colour the zone is) for the first stop in that zone, then shows that coloured BuzzFare logo again with 'ends here' typed underneath.
Haven't done any audio announcements for this yet, but we've got a couple of things lined up to try out, so may consider doing this at the same time, as it links to another request which was for an audio announcement requesting passengers retain their tickets for inspection.