(17 May 2016, 8:53 pm)Jimmi wrote Thanks for the suggestions. Apparently Gary has some spare, so I will probably just borrow one off him for Saturday.
I'm amazed that it was such a faff as it was, in Bishop Auckland I tried, B&M, Wilko, Sports Direct, Poundworld, Boyes, ASDA and Halfords but I couldn't seem to see any in any of those stores, closest I got was some clothing for cyclists in Halfords. Like I said earlier, there was that shop that specialised in work clothing but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to go into it, I don't know why but I think it may have been the fact that the shop was pretty small and I feared that because of the size of the shop I would have to ask, which is something I've always struggled with due to social anxiety and such.
I haven't been the best state of mind the last week or so, my head has been all over the place, owing to some mistakes I've made, getting wound up with some people and encountering some people that I will be honest have made me feel totally on edge - for example whilst I was walking round Bishop Auckland this afternoon, it was one of those people who have to SHOUT EVERYTHING REALLY LOUDLY TO SOMEONE, EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE RIGHT NEXT TO THEM!!! At one point he ended up right behind me with whatever lass he was with and it made me feel really uncomfortable, so to get away from him I ended up going into Burton just so he could get further up the street, annoyingly not long after this, he ended up behind me again, which resulted in me walking really quickly to ASDA to get away from him again. All this is starting to leave me stressed and I've regretted leaving the house when I haven't had to, went to Darlington yesterday afternoon and within less than 10 minutes, I wanted to get back on a bus and head home. No idea why I've suddenly become so bad in the last few days?
I quite honestly can't be doing with people who don't moderate their voices. I appreciate that some people can't, particularly if their hearing isn't great (or they're littl'un, who Sometimes! Punctuates! Every! Word! Like! This! Just! Because1 He's! So! Excited! by!This! New! Speech! Lark!!!) but sometimes it is a just plain lack of giving a hoot about everyone else. Or they've been on the lambrini.
And I hate going into shops where I'll be approached. It's bad enough in a chain where you know the staff have got to conform to a certain template and are probably relieved when you say you're OK, for now, but when you know you'll have to engage, it becomes quite uncomfortable. Mind you, what's worse is when you do need assistance and there's not a soul in sight, or everyone's gossiping in the corner.