(21 May 2016, 2:09 pm)Malarkey wrote By the sounds of it the Drivers dont like Streetlites at all
I recall being on the 46 and it took no more than 10 minutes for a disabled user to wheel on and get through the polls at Metrocentre. The driver shouted about how {insert vulgar term} awful the (then new) red kite streetlites where. Most of the time I do like to take a streetlite, but they feel underpowered on the hills - often choking gear changes on service 8 in between no place and Stanley.
I do personally feel GNE could do better than rolling out these buses for longer, steeper routes where they don't ever feel suited. This similarly goes for the peak X66s where they are obviously too small regardless of frequency.
If GNE were to reallocate the Streetlites to a less steep, shorter route (93/94 for example), they'd be perfect.