(28 May 2016, 8:55 pm)NK53 TKT wrote Interesting review, I seem to always have 22034 by chance (my grandparents live in next to the X77/X78/GNE 74 route) and the past ten times eight of them on the X78 I have had 22034, not great but not rubbish, there is a ramp because I have seen it before. On another note if you want a great SNE SPD catch 35192, I use them regularly on the 32/32A and the 7 to/from my school so I know plenty about those buses, and 35191 is worst of all and if you want info about the ALX300s 22038, 22408 and 22050 are some of the best (22038 only because of the registration) and the worst is 22031 by far
BIB doesn't surprise me!
The one we caught in Hartlepool, on the 1, last week - ex Newcastle - was a nice bus. Didn't feel tired at all, even if the floor of the bus at the entrance looked ready to collapse.
There looked to be a cupboard above the door on the ALX300 with a wheelchair sticker on, so I wonder if there was a ramp stored in there. Nothing to fold or (visibly) slide out, though. I know that simply kneeling to the kerb level was a massive novelty 25 years ago, but it still potentially leaves a gap which makes it impossible to navigate for a wheelchair, even if it is possible to heave a buggy over it (which is not what the DDA regs are for).
The KFC reg does make me