1 Whitley Bay - North Shields - Percy Main - Wallsend - Newcastle - Gateshead - Team Valley - Q.E.H - Heworth
Continues to run Every 15 Mins,Extended to Heworth Via Team Valley to Part-replace loop 93/4 Services
1A Wallsend - Newcastle - Gateshead - Gateshead College - Heworth - Wardley
New Service,runs Via Service 1 Route to Gateshead,Via 93/4 to Heworth then Onto Wardley to replace 57
57 Newcastle - Gateshead - Beacon Lough Estate - Wrekenton - Harlow Green - Low Fell
Runs Via Current service until Staneway,Then Direct Along Springwell Rd into Wrekenton,then Via Current Coaster route Into Low Fell,Running Every Half Hour
- Better Links around Gateshead Into Newcastle (like when they merged Orbit & Quayside together)
- Frequency increased between Wallsend & Gateshead to Every 7/8 Mins
- Faster More Direct,More Frequent Buses from Wardley into Gateshead & Newcastle
RE: Go North East: Service Suggestions