(20 Oct 2013, 7:22 am)fozzovmurton wrote Would the interest in such a service be there...
Firstly you talk about replacing the X88, would your X8 suggestion be 6/7 days a week or Sundays/Bank Holidays like the X88.
It is an interesting suggestion, an expansion of my WTX suggestion to include Dalton Park. How about, keeping in line with your suggestiom
X8 Middlesbrough-Billingham-A19-Dalton Park-New Seaham-A19-Washington-Western Bypass-MetroCentre
I could not see such a service ever being worth more 1ph but once Dalton Park Development finishes if all goes well there may be potential for more public transport opportunities to be siezed upon...I am not sure about timing, could such a service be done in a similar amount of time to the present TTX Services. It opens connections between Teesside and Dalton Park/MetroCentre, Dalton Park and The Mallard or Mill Inn would serve as an Interchange point for people from Murton and Seaham. The only reason I have missed Peterlee of that, although it is an important hub for GNEs local services but with X9 passing through and X10 passing close by, they have decent links via Gateshead and the X66, maybe amend the X10 with your X8 suggestion to go into Peterlee to give a half hourly service both ways out of Peterlee Bus Station.
At the end of day, it is all well and good saying things like Dalton Parks needs this service or that service, and I am like a broken record at times, but I cannot see GNE even bothering to look at it till at least phase 2 opens
It was meant to be after the Washington/Dalton Park developments, I didn't say that, sorry!