(11 Jun 2016, 3:07 pm)Tom wrote Excellent sending the Q3 to Wallsend! That was a massive surprise, didn't expect that. Probably use Versas off the Citylink but they are nice haha.
Wonder what way it will operate? Via Walker Riverside?
I don't care
I hope Walker following Walker Road, or it will go up Cut Bank and through Byker diverging off and missing out St Peters Basin.
If it has to use Versas I won't mide if it is the CityLink ones, I hope either citaros or omnicities but that won't happen.
Also the Q3 is also being re routed through Great Park because they have started construction of the new town centre which will mean the turning circle will be built on, therefore buses will operate anti-clockwise doing the following route north of the A1:
Rosedon Way-Sir Bobby Robson Way-SAGE-Wagonway Drive-Rosedon Way operating hail&ride a long Rosedon Way past the community centre
Me is very excited and happy