Not sure if this is an annoyance or relief - 5.5 weeks after the changes to the 22, we have new (and new CD style) timetables up in the village.
Still no idea what's happening with the shuttle bus on the 4th/5th July. If the sign at the end of our street is to be believed, Husband won't even be able to get his car out to get to work. Our street is about 1km long, with exits only at either end and we're near the middle of it, so it's not a simple case of parking around the corner. Hopefully they'll block one end one day and the other end, the other, so residents can still get in and out.
One plus - there's now a map explaining the roadworks at all the bus stops and the precise times of the closures on the council website. The signs saying the road will be closed for the whole 5 days are still up, though and the map only mentions "regular" shuttle buses, not whether they'll be timed to properly meet up with the 22 or 58 at all or where they'll meet.
One Minus - The bus timetables have only been replaced at the stops the 58 doesn't serve. So we're not allowed them at our end of the village until that tender process is through, it sees, so people are still in danger of waiting for buses that don't show because they no longer exist. I presume the 214 isn't due a shake up, as that's on the ones that have been changed.
RE: What's annoying you today? V4