(09 Jul 2016, 6:17 pm)BusLoverMum wrote I suspect our views are the same. Big'un's too big to have his hand held, these days, but I do around there because there's such a lot to have to pay attention to. (And North road in Durham isn't any better than that particular bit - there's been a few accidents there, over the years)I do have safety concerns but the thing that really irritates me is queuing for buses as people frequently queue badly, in the wrong places, leave gaps allowing people to queue jump and I REALLY HATE anyone who allows people to get on in front of them who haven't queued whilst those of who have queued ending up getting on the bus behind them which has resulted in me getting crap seats or standing and it's never one elderly person they do it for, it's always someone allowing about 10 college students on who all have to sit in 10 different places. I have been in numerous arguments with people in regards to queue jumping, some I have deserved to get but if you have been to Darlington getting on at some of the stands is a case of everyman for himself and I haven't got time for people dithering on when my bus comes, especially when I have loads of people behind me surging to get onto the same bus.
RE: What's annoying you today? V4