(09 Aug 2016, 6:19 pm)Michael wrote Plans have gone in for drive-thru restaurant where Dewerts was at Pennywell
16/01388/VAR | Variation of condition 2 (plans) attached to planning approval 13/02596/FUL - Erection of a drive-thru restaurant (Classes A3 and A5), with associated servicing, parking, landscaping and access arrangements. (Amended description 19.03.2014) Condition Number(s): 2 - Approved Plans Condition Conditions(s) Removal: In order to amend the appearance of the building. Please see accompanying covering letter. For the plans submitted with this application to be inserted into condition no. 2 in place of the previously approved plans. Please see covering letter for further details. | Dewhirst Factory Pennywell Industrial Estate Sunderland SR4 9EP
Edit: Approved... wonder if its the rumoured KFC!
This has been on the cards for quite awhile
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