This is from Wednesday.
Was working at 0830 - 1630 / 1830 - 2130 split shift, with the second person due in on a 1330 - 2130 shift.
At 1320 shop phone rings, my co-worker tells me that they can't come into day for private reasons (company still needs at reason).
Get pissed off because I couldn't find any staff to help me as two other people had also rang in sick elsewhere in the area. End result was I managed to get someone to work for 30 minutes so I can at least have a break and eat my lunch, but effectively I worked from 0830 - 2130 with a 30 minute break.
Before people say, anyone can be sick etc. This person has a track record of doing stuff like this, and proceedure is actually to phone in as soon as they know someone is in the shop which is half an hour before opening (I was in from 0830 for 9am opening). A few months ago they rang in sick, and a customer later spotted them with their partner later on that day at the Metrocentre.
As a result of getting pissed off, I hit the till in rage and nearly broke my hand.
RE: What's annoying you today? V4
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Who needs heroes anyway? Villians have more fun.
Who needs heroes anyway? Villians have more fun.