Had an outing today, here's what occurred.
0758 5A Newton Aycliffe Town Centre - Bishop Auckland Bus Station (ANE 7535)
Sapphire 7 branded E400 was my first bus of the day today, it's allocation on the 5A is owing to this being a busy run with Bishop Auckland College student loadings and it was pretty busy with only a few seats left upstairs as we got closer to Bishop Auckland. I decided to ride this for the novelty of having a double decker on a single decker route although when 7514-7521 were at Darlington depot there was often one or two on the 5/5A each day. Got a photo before boarding: https://flic.kr/p/LP94r1
0858 1 Bishop Auckland - Darlington (ANE 7535)
Decided to catch 7535 again on the 1 to Darlington Town Centre to continue with the novelty of a double decker, it's actually been a while since I did the 1 anyway. Quite enjoyed my trips on 7535.
1005 X66 Darlington - Stockton (ANE 1404)
Rejected whichever OmniCity was on the 09:50 X67 because I fancied one of Stockton's Pulsar's for a change on the X66 but also because the X67 left Darlington pretty rammed and late. Much more relaxed journey on this, WiFi actually works on this one now! As we were heading along Riverside, Stockton we actually caught up with the X67 I let go.
1042 37 Stockton - Middlesbrough (SNE 27170)
This provided with a standard, uneventful journey to Middlesbrough Bus Station. Waited for a photo of Croft's Dart LG02FFY on the TR1 but there was a problem, it developed a bit of a issue, it looked as though SF07XMK was going to replace it but they git LG02FFY going in the end with it staying out on the TR1 got a photo of it coming back into the Bus Station then went for lunch.
1222 39 Middlesbrough - Park End & 1246 Park End - Middlesbrough (SNE 17029)
Saw this a few times earlier on, so as it seems to be the only one still in service, I decided to give it a bash as I quite like the old Trident's. Hopped off at the second last stop in Park End getting a photo before jumping straight back on it to Middlesbrough Bus Station.
1310 X7 Middlesbrough - Stockton (GNE 5335)
Had the choice of this or 4651 on the X67 but went with this for a change, well that and 4651 is a total shed. Not the best sounding Citaro it has to be said but at least this journey gave me a slight change in scenery.
1335 84 Stockton - North Tees Hospital (Stagecarriage: X21BUS)
As Stagecarriage had both of the Transbus Enviro 300's out on 84/87's today, I thought I'd give them a bash. Quite liked this one for my short journey upto North Tees Hospital. Photographed the other E300 arriving on the 87: https://flic.kr/p/LYPowB
1408 87 North Tees Hospital - Stockton (Stagecarriage: X12BUS)
Not done the 87 before, so this at least gave me the opportunity to sample the route. Engine sounded pretty similar to X21BUS but had a few more rattles but wasn't actually too bad.
1433 X67 Stockton - Darlington (ANE 1416)
Was spared another OmniCity by Darlington MAX spare Pulsar 1416 appearing on a slightly late running X67. Was nice having this and 1404 on the X66/X67, made a nice change to the dark ghastly shot Omnicitys that I've become used to on here.
1505 5 Darlington - Newton Aycliffe (ANE 4810)
Just caught this in Darlington Town Centre, made a bit of a nice change to a Pulsar (two Solo's to Darlington and back last Thursday was not a nice change!) good thing about this one is that it has WiFi and it actually works.
Thanks for reading [emoji2]
Bus Related Outings and Reviews