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Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc

Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc

RE: Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc
16/01562/FUL | Erection of a public house and restaurant facility (use class A4) with associated car parking, landscaping and access. | Former Dewhirst Factory Pennywell Industrial Estate Sunderland SR4 9EP


First building on the VAUX site is due to completed by the end of 2017

Vaux Phase 1
The on site start date for the Vaux Phase 1 main works has been revised from June 2016 to October 2016 due to finalisation of planning requirements and legal agreements, unforeseen ground contamination, and additional archaeology work. The revised start date has resulted in an estimate of £8.397m being re-profiled into 2017/2018. The additional site investigations have reduced the risk to the project, providing greater certainty to delivering within timescales and cost. The works therefore are still scheduled to complete end of 2017 with no funding implications.
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.

Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc