(04 Nov 2016, 7:51 am)GuyParkRoyal wrote That interior of 3965 is disgusting the grime on the ceiling of the upper deck is a disgrace. Considering 3965 was recently out of service for bodywork and painting surely a deep clean and replacement of some seat coverng would have completed the job properly.My exact thoughts when the Diamonds were re-painted - OK so replacing worn seating isn't an immediate and painless job, but they would have looked a heck of a lot better if the floors had been steam cleaned to get rid of ground in grime.
Go North East do seen to think that sending a bus for a nice repaint making it look good on the outside is enough for their customers. They need to up their quality stanards and compliment external repaints with an internal steam clean and removal of obsolete internal posters and signs.
If Go North East want to see a good bench mark on internal cleaning of buses they should look at JH Coaches their Tridents are an example of how an interior should be cleaned.
In all fairness, Arriva are no better. It's getting to the point where I can tell which sapphire I'm on by the dirt patterns and grafitti on the seats. There's not even any excuse for the same dirt being on the same e-leather seats for over a month.