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Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc

Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc

RE: Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc
16/02056/HY4 | HYBRID APPLICATION Outline planning application is for demolition of existing buildings and creation of a leisure-led mixed use development on 8.3 hectares of land to the west of Whitburn Road and north of Dykelands Road. The proposed development includes change of use of open space and development incorporating Use Classes D1, D2 & Sui Generis uses (amusement centre and/ or privately managed park and/ or funfair); A1 (maximum of 2000 square metres), A2, A3, A4 & A5; and C1 (Hotel) & C3 (up to 279 residential units), along with associated landscaping and public realm improvements and stopping up of highways. Detailed planning application is for first phase of infrastructure works including improvements to access roads and change of use of open space to public car park to the north of Dykelands Road. | Land And Buildings To The West Of Whitburn Road And North Of Dykelands Road Sunderland

I really hope this goes ahead, Seaburn is desperate for something like this, they've had to amend it about 4 times because of complaints from local residents so hopefully this time, they allow it!.
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.

Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc