(01 Jan 2017, 7:25 pm)Jimmi wrote On that basis, can I count Sapphire 7 E400 on service 12 which has a low bridge (was removed before it came to that!) https://flic.kr/p/MRfTh7
Nope. If the bridge had been removed then its just a normal rare working. However, if the bus had been diverted to accommodate the allocation then yes, that would have been a major contender.
Jimmi wroteSurely this late contender counts as well, with it being a depot loan: https://flic.kr/p/QJfmir
While it is a rare working, loans between Arriva depots happen every now and then. I guess it would depend on the length of the loan and the board it was working.
Jimmi wroteAlso Scarlet Band's Durham Park and Ride Solo SR on the 33 was a unexpected sighting: https://flic.kr/p/GxSjTr
Unexpected, perhaps. But rare? I can't imagine Scarlet Band's fleet to be that big.
Oh and seeing as this is the Stagecarriage thread: https://flic.kr/p/NbHfym
Oh, and I most certainly agree that it has to be a Leyland Olympian rather than a Volvo, my Facebook feed was filled with endless photos of Volvo Olympian's yesterday.