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Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc

Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc

RE: Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc
Update from the VAUX site:

This is from Sup.sup on the Skyscrapercity forum:

Mr John Seager, the Chief Executive of Siglion provided the Committee with a presentation on the plans for the former Vaux Brewery, Seaburn and Chapelgarth sites in the city.
In addition to the information which was included in the report and presentation, Mr Seager advised in respect of the former Vaux Brewery site that the number one task was to deliver a mixed use master plan and that in the first phase of the development the commercial building would be completed by May-June 2018. The proposed promontory feature or Launch was to be completed by May 2018 in time for the Tall Ships Races taking place in the city. Work was well on the way to delivering an extensive list of occupiers to go on the development at different stages.

In response to Members’ questions, Mr Seager advised that there was a mixture of interest from retailers and companies in respect of office space on the Vaux site. He was convinced that pre-lets would be in place towards the end of the year to occupy the building. Planning consent limited the height of the building to 7 maybe 8 stories. However a crucial factor was cost; taller buildings cost more and incurred additional costs in terms of the need for additional fire escapes etc. Another point to bear in mind was that they were creating an office market which did not already exist. They were dealing with tight building costs with an aspiration to make the buildings look good, however they needed to be at a price they could afford to rent them out. The buildings needed to be efficient to run and have lower service charges so that the rentals could be higher. There was firm interest in building number 1 and they were talking to people in the longer term in respect of buildings 2, 3 and 4.

Mr Seager advised that a paper would be reported to the Siglion Board in the near future to determine the square footage of building 2, for which there was an extensive interest list. The Council had 4 seats on the Board and was currently represented by Councillors P. Watson and Speding and the Chief Executive as the Council had a vacant seat. There were three potential occupiers for building 3 for which heads of terms were being discussed and would be on site by 2019. Once the first building was up, people would be able to see the tone of the design
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.

Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc