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Marxista Fozzski
RE: Ferries
Been to Amsterdam many times from North Shields, my main memories of that was going for New Year 2006, I was fighting with my dad and I nearly got thrown in the ships brig, coming back on that same trip, I got back on the boat, was rooting through my pockets and as I had been trying it's finest culture I pulled out a bag of skunk out my pocket(I forgot I had it in the first place) not knowing what to do, I ate it before we docked back at North Shields as I did not want to waste it or throw it away, I was ill for about 3 days after getting home...

I have been Dover-Calais many times, Stranraer-Belfast and Cairnryan-Larne, done Hull-Rotterdam and when I was a kid I went a education department organised sailing trip across the Channel, that was horrible, the sea sickness was a killer, got to the point we were all sick so much that there was nothing left on our guts to bring up Wink

RE: Ferries
RE: Ferries
RE: Ferries
RE: Ferries
RE: Ferries
RE: Ferries
RE: Ferries
RE: Ferries
RE: Ferries
RE: Ferries
RE: Ferries
RE: Ferries
RE: Ferries
RE: Ferries
RE: Ferries
RE: Ferries