(29 Apr 2017, 10:17 pm)BusLoverMum wrote Another bleeding horrible journey on the 7.
A group of boys, probably younger than big'un, effing and blinding (to put it politely) and coming out with some unbelievably sexist crap. Unless they grow up, their future girlfriends and wives will probably end up on Mumsnet being urged to LTB.
A couple of women, probably not much younger than me, off into Durham for a night on the Town, already half cut and bleeding annoying with their selfies and cackling. Probably puking somewhere by now.
Getting off the bus, I let a lady down the stairs in front of me and she's old and struggling. I'm patient because littl'un is slow down bus stairs and I'm sometimes not much better. Driver has already left the cab and is half blocking the door. My phone is in my bag, but the cable has sprung out and gets caught on the handrail on the door - flinging it out of my bag and onto the concrete under the bus. 1 month old phone scuffed to bits
The day could have got better, but littl'un did his thing of bolting down a couple of glasses of water, after tea, and throwing it all up again. Just finished washing and drying it all and the carpet my be dry by the morning.
T'other one (I presume) has snapped the chain on the bathroom sink plug, so if woo really does exist, that's the third of the things that come in threes.
I should have known to cancel today when I had a dream in the early hours of this morning about violently murdering someone and chopping up and hiding the body. My subconscious might have been onto something, there.
Sounds like a cracking day you had