(15 Nov 2013, 7:23 pm)aureolin wrote Does the Metro not run too? I have no idea if it ran last year. That's if it's not too Christmasy for them.
It has done in the past, I got it from Sunderland to Newcastle in 2010 on Boxing Day...
I wish there was a bus on to Murton, even if it was only every hour, I like to go out and about on Boxing Day and it has caused my pain and grief as I have to walk miles to get a bus and I have hurt myself a couple of times in 2010, walking on the grass verge of the A19(rather stupidly) behind the crash barrier, 2 massive lorries come hurtling past and blew me over, later on walking from Easington Lane to Murton twisted my ankle and had to hobble the last mile home, in 2012 taking a shortcut round the fields near where I live, I fell down an uncovered manhole, nearly breaking my ribs, the fact I am a fat b*****d stopped me falling right through...