Another classic X21 window argument yesterday.
2 people came upstairs and all the windows were open. They started closing them as they walked to the very back seats. Most people reopened them straight away as it was very hot however the 2 that were closing them decided to argue with the person in front and told him to close it again. He said no as it was hot and then they told him to close it because of the rain. (It had been raining 20 minutes earlier but by this time it was blue skies.) He replied with something like its not even raining and you dont need to have that attitude. The 2 then started walking down the bus while it was moving and sat opposite me on the table. My window was open and I just stared at them, luckily they did not try and close it. They then moved to the front seats and were complaining the entire journey about the breeze coming in.
RE: What has amused you/made you laugh today?
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