(17 Nov 2013, 6:21 pm)Dan wrote Getting ahead of the game, perhaps? It's also why I suggested that the Lolynes are being looked into as well. Remember that 15 years is just the average though - some may live longer, some may not.
Go North East may have realised that their only shot at selling the MPDs for a relatively decent price is now - sooner, rather than later. A few years more down the line, and they'll be going to the scrap man too. If they can get more money off them by selling them to another operator as opposed to the scrap man, surely that's the best thing to do? It will help fund future fleet investment.
I suppose in GNE's Eyes it is what Best for Business in regards to Future Investment, Hopefully this will Result in the M2/M3 getting New Buses in 2014. Still rather have MPD's over Cadets though for the time being.