(18 Nov 2013, 8:43 pm)gtomlinson wrote Anyone who thinks what Bazza does (allegedly) compared to a supervised passenger change in a secure part of the depot where drivers and staff are aware of what's happening (including managers and control) is an idiot and is arguing purely for the sake of it.
It's certainly an interesting one isn't it. I guess we're either for following rules, or against following rules? That would be the simplistic way of looking at it. In no way am I condoning what he allegedly does, but I find people are far too quick to go at him, yet at the same time will try and justify others breaking different rules as being common practice.
Back to the topic in hand though. I'd be surprised if a depot was paying for public liability insurance when it's not actually open to the public? Surely they'd stick with the bare legal minimum and just have employee liability cover? I mean come on. Insuring for public to have access to a working bus depot is not going to be cheap. As Dan has said, anything could happen to someone inside a bus depot. Even someone slipping.
Storing fireworks in the smokers room comes to mind.