When GNE allowed people to go into the depots to take photos (Obviously asking permission at the office first), they usually ask you to sign in, and with the disclaimer that I was in the depot at my own risk and I would not be allowed to sue the company should I be stupid enough to fall down a pit or get hurt. And strangely enough I didn't get run over or fall down the pit.
Mind go to other countries it's a lot different. In 2006 I wrote to Bus Atha Cliath (Dublin Bus) asking for permission to visit their depots. They wrote back to me giving me not only permission. But info on what buses to get there. But the biggest suprise of all was that they also sent me a free 7 day ticket for use on Dublin Bus. I managed to get around all of the Dublin Bus depots, and what suprised me, they even told me that I could walk around the pits as long as I was careful, which led to some interesting photos of the vehicles.
Found my log book of the vehicle change over. It was from Solar 4943 to PVL 6013, and it appears the photo I took is from the 3rd window on the upper deck. I think it was because we were trying to photograph every bus that we were getting on too.
RE: Go North East - Latest
Please feel free to visit my Flickr page - https://www.flickr.com/photos/gjm-photogenic/
Who needs heroes anyway? Villians have more fun.
Who needs heroes anyway? Villians have more fun.