(13 Oct 2017, 4:04 pm)TEN 6083 wrote Got a letter today from Northumberland Council summoning me to court over an unpaid council tax bill which I am not supposed to pay due to being on benefits due to my ASD, so I had to go over to my Mam’s to get my mam to rIng them because due to my Autism I am not very good one the phone and they said I had to pay it over the phone to avoid going to court which would have cost an extra £50 on top of what was owed.
All the bill was for the first month when I first had my flat keys in June and my council tax wasn’t set up so I don’t have to pay it with NCC. It has cost me nearly £60 that I wasn’t expecting to pay, so I am very annoyed with them as they could have contacted me months ago when I got my flat which I didn’t move into until August. Was gonna go to Newcastle Comic Con next week but that has gone down the pan with that bill need paying for.
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Have you been in touch with your local citizens advice bureau. If I remember rightly there's an office in gilesgate at Hexham. Also if you are living alone you may well be entitled to a 25 percent reduction in your council tax.