(04 Jan 2018, 9:48 am)Kuyoyo wrote Timetables now appearing online:
Apart from being diverted via Cranmore Road, no change to timetable.
Journeys on the 7a are revised to serve Valley Gardens when heading towards Kingsmead in both directions. As such, journeys will operate two minutes later from Kingsmead towards Yarm and 3 minutes later towards Stockton, with arrival into Stockton 2 minutes later than present (at xx02, rather than xx00).
Timetable currently unavailable but service page is loaded. This replaces the 27/27a and will follow the 27a route.
Sunday journeys are retimed to run 35 minutes later than present (xx40 from the Bus Station rather than xx05). First journey from Overfields is now 0903 and first from Middlesbrough 0940 (presently 0932 and 1005 respectively).
Weekdays - 4 morning journeys are extended to North Tees Hospital - these being the 0640 and 0710 from Cunningham Drive, and the 0655 and 0723 from Bassleton Court. All afternoon journeys from Roseworth to Thornaby after 1700 will start at North Tees - with just the Bassleton Court departures between 1632 and 1702 termainting at Roseworth. The 1852 from North Tees will terminate at Ingleby Barwick Beckfields at 1942 - offering a new later journey to the Estate from Stockton. The 1815 from Ingleby Barwick Teal Arms is revised to terminate in Stockton High Street at 1901 (currently runs to Roseworth).
Saturdays - The first 5 departures from Thornaby will be extended to North Tees. Afternoon frequency drop remains and all journeys leaving Thornaby after 1620 will run to North Tees.
Sundays - All journeys retimed to run 5 minutes later during the day from North Tees, and four minutes later from Thornaby with additional running time towards the Hospital. Last departure from Thornaby to North Tees now 1919 from Bassleton Court (presently 1810) with the last departure from North Tees being 2010 to Bassleton Court (currently 1855 to Cunningham Drive - last departure to there now 1940).
Kingsmead Journeys are diverted to serve the new housing development at Valley Gardens. No extra time added for this.
Evening journeys will be retimed to depart Middlesbrough 5 minutes later (leaving at xx40 rather than xx35) and leave Ingleby Barwick Stainforth Gardens 4 minutes later (at xx07 rather than xx03) arriving into Middlesbrough 2 minutes later (at xx47). The 2140 from Middlesbrough will run the full round trip (rather than terminating in Ingleby as now).
Sunday journeys will run 5 minutes earlier than current, with the exception of the 1935 departure which remain unchanged.
The Framwellgate Moor journeys are withdrawn. As such, the 0725, 0800 and 0835 from Middlesbrough are retimed to run 5 minutes earlier to Durham. There is no change to the evening timetable however.
Not available
Weekdays - The short journeys between Stockton and North Tees Hospital are withdrawn (replaced by the revised 15 journeys). The 0926 from Sedgefield will start in Middlesbrough at 0850 and run 5 minutes later from Sedgefield to Peterlee. The 1550 from Middlesbrough will now depart at 1555 and run 5 minutes later as far as Stockton then 7 minutes later from North Tees Hospital to Peterlee. The 1450 from Middlesbrough will run 5 minutes later from North Tees onwards. The 1655 from Middlesbrough will now leave at 1710 and like the 1550, will run 15 minutes later as far as Stockton then 17 minutes later from North Tees, arriving in Peterlee at 1840. From Peterlee, the 1520 and 1620 will now depart at 1525 and 1625 - the 1525 runs 5 minutes later throughout as will the 1625, which retains the extra 5 minutes added from Wingate onwards. The last departure at 1725 will depart at 1730 and run 5 minutes later throughout arriving in Middlesbrough at 1855.
Saturday - the last departure from Middlesbrough will run 15 minutes later at 1705. The last three departures from Peterlee will run 5 minutes later throughout at 1525, 1625 and 1730 respectively.
Anyone know the X21 changes yet?