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RE: Fleet List Updates - Archive
(21 Jan 2018, 9:32 pm)S813 FVK wrote RE 5326: I seemed to remember it being repainted silver before being repainted gold. I've done some digging, and found a post by yourself from November 2014 confirming this. Unable to find a photo to go with it unfortunately!

Error on Dan's part I reckon as the rest of the batch were painted at the same time, 5320-24 went into Silver for the 61 with 5325 to 5327 going Gold for the 35/36.

Fleet List Updates - Archive
RE: Fleet List Updates - Archive
RE: Fleet List Updates - Archive
RE: Fleet List Updates - Archive
RE: Fleet List Updates - Archive
RE: Fleet List Updates - Archive
RE: Fleet List Updates - Archive
Fleet List Updates - Archive