(15 Jun 2018, 7:24 pm)S830OFT wrote 301: Metrocentre - Gateshead - Newcastle - Byker - Wallsend - North Shields - Tynemouth - Whitley Bay - Seaton Sluice - Blyth.309/310 at every 20 mins is a plan for disaster
Service 1 withdrawn and replaced by new service 301 to the Coast. Service 301 will operate from Metrocentre to Blyth operating direct to Gateshead then onto Coaster 1 route then extended to Blyth replacing service 309. This service will operate Every 15 minutes between Gateshead and Whitley Bay Monday to Saturday daytimes and a Every 30 minute frequency across the whole route Evening and Sundays.
309/310: Revised to operate every 20 minutes each with a combined frequency on Coast Road of up to Every 10 minutes.
311: Whitley Bay - North Tyneside Hospital - North Shields - Howdon - Wallsend - Coast Road - Newcastle. This new service will replace service 11 between Whitley Bay and Wallsend, then operate via Coast Road to reach Newcastle instead of via Byker.
*New* 48: This service will replace services 49A, 49C and 64, it will serve the Teams estate and omit Blaydon Bus Station. It will operate up to Every 20 minutes combined with service 49 to provide a bus up to Every 10 minutes. It will also NOT serve Bolam Street Flats.
X66: With the introduction of service 48 and 301 this service will return to a Express service operating up to Every 15 minutes, it will continue to serve Iqea.
*New* M5: Metrocentre - Rowlands Gill - Burnopfield - Stanley.
New Metrocentre Mini service that will combine with the 3 other services to make up 4 buses an hour between Stanley and Metrocentre. This will allow a Every 15 minute service between Stanley and Metrocentre.
95: Wrekenton - Low Fell - Gateshead - Team Valley North - Lobley Hill Gardens - Dunston - Metrocentre.
This service will replace service 1 and 11 on the south side of the Tyne. It will operate 2 journeys an hour, for example at 03 : 23 mins past. Also on Sundays and Evenings the service will serve Springwell Estate replacing service 56.
95A: Kibblesworth - Team Valley Sainsburys - Low Fell - Gateshead - Team Valley North - Lobley Hill (On Sundays service extends to Metrocentre)
New service replacing the current 1A and 95 on a hourly frequency. Service 95 and 95A combined will provide a every 20 minute service between Lobley Hill and Low Fell.
56: No longer serving Springwell Estate.
RE: Go North East: Service Suggestions v2