Let's sum Darlington's day up today
2817, 4804, 4805 and 4808 started the day on X66/X67 (along with branded 4649) - 4805 was replaced by 4810 for the last round trip due to 4805 going into 'limp' mode
2865 and 4645 on 2s
1594 on X21
'13A/13B' branded 2853 on 4
'X66/X67' 4655 and (I think) 4657 on X26, sister 4656 on X27
2854 on 1/5/X1, 1510 also on the cycle somewhere
'9/10' branded 2866 on 13A/13B
1508 filling in for a Sapphire sister on 7s (both 1514 and 1515 were over the pits tonight)
RE: Arriva North East: Rare & Odd Workings - May 2019