RE: Stagecoach North East: Upcoming Service Changes
Registration number PB0002404/345
Licence Number PB0002404
Variation number 0
Status New
Service number. 939, 939
Service type Normal Stopping
Start point Sunderland Park Lane
Finish point Team Valley North End
Date received 19 Jul 2019
Effective date 01 Sep 2019
End date
Supported by subsidies? In Part
Local authorities covered by route Nexus (Tyne & Wear)
TAOs covered by route North East of England
I would imagine Sunderland would run this?
More changes on the 1st September:
Variation BUSWAYS TRAVEL SERVICES LTD 313 (12, 13, 3) Town End Farm, Hylton Castle Doxford Park, Farringdon
Variation BUSWAYS TRAVEL SERVICES LTD X63 (X63) Newcastle City Centre Newcastle City Centre
Variation BUSWAYS TRAVEL SERVICES LTD 18 (18) Four Lane Ends Walker
Variation BUSWAYS TRAVEL SERVICES LTD 1819 (18, 18A) Sunderland Grangetown or Gilley Law
Variation BUSWAYS TRAVEL SERVICES LTD 22 (22, 22X) Cobalt Throckley
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.