Transferred in as Volvo B7L and B7TL replacements are Volvo B9TL/Wright Geminis 37385/7 (MX58 DWU/W) from Manchester and 37676-9/82/5 (YJ09 FVG/H/K/L/O/F) from Leeds. Further transfers due from Manchester are the first Wright Streetlites for the fleet.
West Yorkshire
Leeds Bramley depot's fleet of E400s have began transferring to Halifax this week - 33878/9 (SN14 TVF/J) so far reported at Halifax.
South Yorkshire
Newly transferred in to this fleet are:
Doncaster: Volvo B7RLE/Wright Eclipse Urban 66842/3/5 (MX05 CGG/K/U) from Leicester (66843 retains the Pink fronted 'Olympia 2' livery from Leicester at present)
Sheffield Olive Grove: Volvo B9TL/Wright Eclipse Gemini 37754/6 (YJ59 KSV/Z) from Leeds Bramley, Volvo B9TL/Wright Eclipse Gemini2 36254-6 (BG12 YJL/M/N) from Leeds Hunslet Park, Volvo B7RLE/Wright Eclipse Urban 2 69521-6 (BD11 CEN/U/O/V, CFA, CEY) from Manchester (ex-Bolton) and Wright Streetlite 47466-73 (SN14
DZM/O/P, EAA/C/E/F/G) from Oldham.
Wright Streetlite Max Mirco-Hybrids 63370/2-5/81/3/4 (SL16 RAX, RBO/U/V/X, RCV/Y/Z) have transferred from Doncaster to First Hampshire & Dorset's Hoeford depot. Their place at Doncaster has been taken by older sister 63026/9/30/2/3/5-7 (SK63 KHC/F/G/J/L/O/P/R).
All remaining Volvo B7TL/Plaxton Presidents at Olive Grove are now operating in active reserve, along with Alexander-bodied 30578 (WU02 KVW), 31145 (YU52 VYX) and 31786 (YN53 EOL). All are due for cascade elsewhere within the next few months.
RE: Yorkshire Bus Operations