Since people have been asking....
26276 wasn't allocated to service
26277 was out on 36/37, starting in Hartlepool at 0818 and finishing at North Tees Hospital at 1829
26278 was out on 36/37 30 minutes behind 26277, starting with the early morning short 13s from Stockton at 0530, dropping onto the 36 to Hartlepool Interchange in Middlesbrough at 0720 and finishing in Middlesbrough at 1816
26279 was out on a 36/38 board, incidentally on the only Saturday board to work all 4 of the former 'Main Line' routes and was on the working in front if 26277 - it starts at Park End on the first 39 at 0515 which then runs onto the first 37 from Middlesbrough at 0532. It finished at Norton Green on a 38 at 1814.
As noted, 26280 was on a late 36/38/12 board, starting from North Tees Hospital at 0530 on a 37 and supposedly finishing at Norton Green on the last 38 at 2338